Tuesday, April 7, 2020

April 7th - 9th, 2020

“If people did not do silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done.” - Ludwig Wittgenstein

Let’s begin with a brain smart start!

Tumble Books:
Username: lowerprimary
Password: books

Code: xdv8250

Please save the above signing- in information for future reference.

April 7th - 9th, 2020

Tuesday 7th  
Wednesday 8th
Thursday 9th

Choose any 6 words and use them in a paragraph.

Log into Tumble Books: Tumble Books

Listen to the story ‘Diary of a Spider’

Complete the quiz: Diary of a Spider Quiz

Log into Tumble Books: Tumble Books
Listen to the story ‘Diary of a Spider’
Complete the activity: Diary of a Spider.pdf

Print and complete the worksheet:

Write your own Limerick Poem

Print and complete the worksheets:

Make a video of yourself explaining fractions using your own set of things! Use my video for inspiration 

Print and have fun solving the puzzles!
1.    Number Tower

2.    True Equations

Sunday, April 5, 2020

April 5th - 6th, 2020

“Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” – Joshua J. Marine

Let’s begin with a brain smart start!

Video: A message from me!

April 5th – 6th, 2020

Sunday 5th
Monday 6th

Please copy words from 161-180 in your HW journal.
Choose any six of the words and use them in sentences. 

Listen the book: Franklin Goes to School

Complete the activity: Franklin Goes to School Worksheet

Log into Tumble Books: Tumble Books
Listen to the story ‘When Turtles Grew Feathers’

Username: lowerprimary
Password: books

Complete the graphic organizer: When Turtles Grew Feathers

Watch the teaching video and the do the activity

Print and complete the worksheet:


Print and complete the following worksheets

Watch the following video:

Print and complete the worksheets:

Happy learning!

Monday, March 30, 2020

March 31st - April 2nd, 2020

“Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you.”

Let’s dance everybody!

A message from Ms. Lady 

Tumble Books:
Username: lowerprimary
Password: books

Code: xdv8250

Please save the above signing- in information for future reference.

March 31st – April 2nd, 2020

Tuesday Mar 31st
Wednesday April 1st
Thursday April 2nd

Choose any 6 words and use them in a paragraph.

Oxford Owl - The Lazy Giant

Read 3 Raz-kids books and take the quiz at the end.

Epic! Alfie

Retell the story of Alfie in your homework journal.

Video: Enjoy the video and do the planned activity

Print and complete. Make sure the poem rhymes!

Write your own rebus poem in homework journal.


Open the photo to get an idea, but don’t copy my pizza! Make it your own!

You can have any toppings you want but tell me what fraction of your pizza has which toppings. For example, 4/8 of my pizza has pepperoni on it. 2/8 of my pizza has olives, etc.

Happy learning!

Sunday, March 29, 2020

**Special Announcement!**

Hi everybody!

I have shared some photos of baby Noah's birthday. Check it out by clicking on the tab that says "Photos".

Enjoy the rest of your day! Keep working hard!


March 29th - 30th, 2020

Never say " I can't ". Always say " I'll try ".

Let’s DANCE!

A message from me - check it out!

March 29th – March 30th, 2020

Sunday 29th 
Monday 30th

Please copy words from 141 - 160 in your journal. 
Choose any six of the words and use them in sentences. 

Take an image of your finished work and email me! 

Please complete 20 questions from each skill:

Please watch the following videos. 

Complete the worksheet and send it back to me!

Color in the Fractions 

Have fun playing a fraction game! 
Fraction Game 

Read Loula is Leaving for Africa and take the quiz at the end. 
TumbleBooks Library - Clever Beatrice

Username: lowerprimary
Password: books

Retell the story in your own words. Remember to tell what happened in the beginning, middle and end. Make sure you have three clear paragraphs for each (beginning, middle and end). Pay attention to punctuation and don’t forget to indent each paragraph!
Video - Rebus Poems

Turn the following poem into a ‘Rebus’ poem: Firefighters
Enjoy listening to this read-aloud:
I'm Not Feeling Well Today- a Rebus Poem

Crack the Rebus Poem: Replace the pictures with the words they stand for 


The Crazy Monkey

  • Take a photo of all the assignments and email me.
  • Don't forget to also email me a photo of yourself doing something special.

Happy learning!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

March 24th - 26th, 2020

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” – Robert Collier
Let’s DANCE!

Message from me!

March 24th – 26th, 2020

Tuesday 24th
Wednesday 25th
Thursday 26th

Choose any 6 words and use them in a paragraph.

Listen to the story using the link below

After listening to the book please complete the worksheet: Franklin's CLASS TRIP

Log into website TumbleBooks Library
Username: lowerprimary
Password: books

On the website ‘Tumblebook’ listen to the book: A Camping Spree with Mr. Magee

After listening to the book please complete the worksheet: A Camping Spree with Mr. Magee

Fill in the book report on the book you listened to yesterday: 
A Camping Spree with Mr. Magee

Write an Acrostic Poem on ‘Breakfast’

Write an Acrostic Poem on ‘Ms. Hanna’

Part 1:

Part 2:

Using this strategy with an open number line model, find the differences of the following equations.

1. 66 - 21 = ____

2. ______ = 90 - 55

3. 87 - 38 = _____

4. _____ = 159 - 43

5. _____ = 361 - 123

6. Create your own (3) subtraction equations to solve using an open number line and adding up.

Using the 3 strategies (Base 10, Counting Backward and Adding Up) for each of the following equations.

1. 139 - 47 = ____

2. ______ = 88 - 33

3. 115 - 38 = _____

4. _____ = 179 - 48

5. _____ = 374 - 166

Print and take a photo of your finished crossword!

  • Take a photo of all the assignments and email me.
  • Don't forget to also email me a photo of yourself doing something special.

Happy learning!