Hello Boys and Girls!  
At the beginning of this lesson we are going to dance, and after that we will
start our activity called the “Flip it” game. 
Please follow the lesson plan as below:
  1. Lesson objectives
1. To improve coordination, agility and flexibility
2. To improve muscle tone and strength
3. To improve your manipulative skills and locomotor skills
Equipment: Paper plates (6 pieces), 2 dice that you can create on your own.
(Create your own dice: https://youtu.be/vUws412hdjo)
How to play:
1. You will need some of your family members to play with you
2. Set up the 6 paper plates in a row in the middle of the floor, some upside down and some right side up.
3. Put your dice on one side of the room and your partner's dice on the other side
4. Start the game by throwing the dice and quickly flip the plate in the row that matches the number you got on the dice, by counting from your side
5. Come back quickly to your side and throw the dice again and repeat the previous step
6. Your partner should do the same steps but start counting the order of plates from his side
7. The first who flips the last remaining plate into the same side as the other plates, wins the game
B. Instructions:
Let’s start with “Dance Stay”: 
Click the link below and start to play “Flip It” game

Refer to the attached video
1. Watch the video and follow along with iT.
2. Did you have fun time doing this game?

Have a nice weekend!

Hello dear Grade 2B!
I hope you are having a good time.
Our lesson plan for today starts with three steps:
Step 1: Enjoy a strengthening warm-up.
Step 2: Do the Throwing & Catching challenges (you will need a small tennis ball or a big bouncing ball).
Step 3:  Play the “Flip A Cup tic tac toe” or “Plank tic tac toe”.
Please follow the lesson plan as below:
  1. Lesson Objectives: 
1. To improve coordination, agility and flexibility
2. To improved muscle tone and strength
3. We are going to do practicing throwing and catching skills 
4. Hand-eye coordination is the ability to use our muscles and our vision in tandem
  1. Game rules:
1. Flip A Cup tic tac toe game
This game has the same rules as the X/O game but with flipped cups. Try to be the first who flips the cup correctly to place it on the board, trying to get 3 cups in a row (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) to win the game. You will get one point for each round. The one who gets 3 points wins the game.
2. Plank tic tac toe game
The 2nd video shows a different way to play this game. You are “X”, your friend/family member is “O”. But you must stay in a plank position. It’s a fun and cool challenge for you and your family.
You will need one of your family members to play this game with you. Just draw on one paper the “X” and the “O” on another paper.
Let’s start the game.
B. Sources:
1. Strengthening warm-up “Thunder”: 
2. Throwing & Catching challenges: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYS9o-__MwI
3. Flip A Cup tic tac toe game

Did you have fun doing this lesson?
Which game did you like more?

I hope you did your best!

Hello Grade 2B!
I hope everyone is doing great! 
Let’s start our lesson with a funny dance called “Pop See Ko” that each of you can do. 
Then, we are going to play the “Flip a coin” game.
Please follow the lesson plan as below:

  1. Lesson objectives: 
1. To improve your locomotor skills and hand-eye coordination
2. Be active at home and play the “Flip a coin” game

B. Instructions:
Click the link below and Dance Pop See Ko Dance

1. Have you enjoyed dancing? Hope you smiled when you did it 😊.
2. Try to create your own “Pop See Ko” dance move.
3. Refer to the picture below for how to play the “Flip a coin” game. 

A screenshot of a cell phone

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Hello Boys and Girls! Hope everyone is doing well! 
I hope you enjoy our PE lessons. Today we are going to Dance and do Fun Exercises. You need to do daily physical exercises to stay healthy, get strong and burn calories. In today's video workout we can have fun and do simple moves that each of you can easily do at home - preferably every day. So good luck and let's begin the workout!
Please follow the lesson plan below:
  1. Lesson objectives: 
1. It's a set of simple and effective physical activities to get active, burn calories and consume some of the energy you get from eating food.
2. You just need to repeat the exercises as you see them in the video. By doing it regularly every day you will start seeing results in the mirror within 3-4 weeks!
  1. Instructions:
Dance : Bye Bye Bye

Click the link Kids Daily Workout - Fun Exercises At Home

1. Watch the video and follow along with it
2. How many mountain climbers did you do? 
3. How many donkey kicks did you do?
4. For each exercise, you will get 5 points. 
5. Count your results!

Did you start the MLS Fitness Challenge that I sent to you before?  Continue work on it  and when you finish the month plan initials, please send it to me at: pe@mls.com.sa 

Hello Everyone!
How’s your Physical Activity staying at home? We are going to start a new
activity that I prepared for you which called
1. Cut out each of the 15 activity cards.
2. Spread them out face down on any Flat surface.
3. Randomly select 3 cards every day of the month. Increase the challenge
throughout the month by picking 1-2 extra cards to begin each new week.
4. Complete the exercise on each selected card.
5. Write your initials on the calendar each day you exercise.

1. You’ll need to tune-up your fine motor skills in order to cut out
15 different exercises geared to enhance muscle strength and endurance. 
2. The majority of the exercises focus on hopping, skipping, and jumping.
These exercises are intended to strengthen both upper and lower body
muscles along with aerobic endurance. I’ve also included 5 core exercises. 
3. “Core exercises train the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips,
and abdomen to work in harmony. This leads to better balance and stability.
Good luck and let's begin the MLS challenge! 
REMINDER: When you finish the month plan initials, please send it to me at: pe@mls.com.sa



Hello grade 2 B!
Awesome guys!  We have reached our 4th lesson.  First, we are going to do
Yoga class. Second, we are going to play the “Couch Island game”.
Please follow the lesson plan as below:
  1. Yoga Lesson objectives: 
1. To enable the student to have good health. 
2. To practice mental hygiene.
3. To teach you how to relax by yourselves when stressed, which will give you more clarity when you need to solve problems.
4. Yoga education helps in self-discipline and self-control, leading to an immense amount of awareness, concentration and higher level of consciousness.
Game goal 
  • Stay active at home and play “Couch island game”. 
B. Instructions:
  • Click the link below Yoga Class with Yoga Ed. | Ages 9-10
1. Watch the video and follow along with it
2. Which of the yoga exercises work well for you?
3. Talk to your parents about how doing yoga made you feel 
4. Refer to the picture below for how to play “Couch Island game”
5. You may send a picture of how you do Yoga workout or how you play “Couch island game”!  SEND TO: pe@mls.com.sa

A picture containing photo, orange, room, living

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Hello everyone!

How’s your day? How was your Physical Activity staying at home?

Well done Grade 2! Today, we will reach our 3rd lesson which is

“ The cup Stacking Challenge”

 You will need a timer (usually it’s an app that can be found on your

mobile phone/Ipad) and 12 cups.

You can play this game alone or compete with one of your family members.

Your goal is to achieve the best minimum timing.

Please follow the lesson plan as below:

A.      Lesson Objectives: 

1. To improve verbal and non-verbal communication skills.

2. Hand-Eye Coordination and Bilateral Coordination.

3. Studies Show Cup Stacking Activities Improve Reading Test Scores and

Cross-Patterning Brain Development.

B. Instructions:

1. Warm -up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhfkYzUwYFk&feature=youtu.be&t=46

2. Click the link below “ The cup Stacking Challenge” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0CAhcn5N9A

3. Watch the video and follow along with it.

4. What was easy and what was difficult for you?

5. What was your best timing?

 Hi Grade 2!

How do you feel Today? I hope you enjoyed our 1st lesson and Today

I hope you are ready to start our next Activity “Tabata” that you must do at


Please follow the lesson plan as below:

A. Lesson objectives: 

1. Tabata training methods are a great way to burn calories, improve

aerobic capacity, and keep you moving.

2. Work out hard for 20 seconds.

3. Rest for 10 seconds.

4. Complete 8 rounds.

B. Instructions:

Warm -up : https://www.youtube.com/watch v=KhfkYzUwYFk&feature=youtu.be&t=46

Click the link (Tabata training) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKVe4Zs6KRk

1. Watch the video and follow along with it

2. You may ask your family member to join you and it will be more fun. 

3. Have you completed 8 rounds?  

4. Stay active and healthy

Hello Grade 2B! 

This is Ms. Jocelyn from the Gym; I miss you and wish you well.
I will post activities for you here to keep you healthy and safe while
you are at home, keep checking here for new posts from me.
In the first lesson we are going to do Physical Education Fitness station

Please follow the lesson plan as below:

A.      Lesson objectives:
Try out these 6 dynamic P.E fitness stations:
        1. Toe reaches 2. Ski hops 3. Mountain climbs 4. Pistol squats
5. Bench dips 6. Squat & push.
        These exercises cover the 6 components of fitness necessary to keep you
healthy and active: core, flexibility & balance, stamina, leg strength,
arm strength, and whole-body exercise.

B.      Instructions:
●        Before you start doing PE fitness stations, do a quick stretching
routine following the video in the link below:

●        Click the link below and start workout as shown in the video

●        Which station workout do you prefer?
●        Did you have fun doing it?
●        How do you feel about yourself after doing these exercises?
●        How many "good” Pistol squats did you do?

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