Sunday, January 26, 2020

January 26th - January 30th, 2020

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” – Zig Ziglar

In Writing Workshop, students will try their hand at writing a letter to convey their opinions and try to persuade their reader to agree to their point of view.

In Reading Workshopwe will be continuing with our unit Bigger Books Mean Amping Up Reading. This means we are reading fiction books that take longer to finish. We are focusing on: Chapter books that have one central plot line, readers must carry the story from chapter to chapter. The focus of this unit is literary language.
There are 4 parts to this genre. They are:

  • Reading with Fluency
  • Understanding Literacy Language
  • Meeting the challenges of longer books
  • Tackling goals in the company of others
Students have been exposed to different figurative language like alliteration, rhymes, simile and unusual phrases.
In Math, students will be learning different strategies for subtraction. They will also be working on arrays and finding multiples of equal groups.

In STEM, our current unit is “Pebbles, Sand and Silt”, We have learnt about the properties of rocks. We will be learning about the slow changes that result due to weathering and erosion.

Social Studies
In Social Studies, Grade 2 is learning about reasons and requirements for making and developing tools and techniques. We will focus on the following questions:
  • Definition of tools
  • Why are tools developed
  • Name a few tools

Happy learning!

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Welcome Back! January 19th - January 23rd

“Cheers to a new year and another chance to get it right.” — Oprah Winfrey

WELCOME BACK my beautiful stars! I am so excited to see you all this week and looking forward to having a fun and successful second semester!

I hope you all had a restful winter break. Now that we are back, we are diving right in and getting to work!

Here is what we are doing this week:

In writing workshop, students will be introduced to an opinion graphic organizer called OREO which stands for:

  • O: State your opinion
  • R: Give your reason
  • E: Provide your evidence or example 
  • O: Restate your opinion
This will allow students to organize their thoughts as they write their opinion writing piece. 

In reading workshop, we will be continuing with our unit Bigger Books Mean Amping Up Reading. This week, our focus will be on noticing and identifying special or figurative language used by authors in the books they are reading. 

In math, students will be dicing right into our 6th unit. We will be working on the following skills:

  • Addition of three of more numbers
  • Comparison stories
  • Mixed addition and subtraction number stories
And that's all folks! Looking forward to seeing you all bright and early on Sunday, January 19th, 2020.

Happy learning!