Thursday, October 31, 2019

November 3rd - November 7th, 2019

Face Everything And Rise – True meaning of the word fear.

Upcoming Events:
Writing Celebration with Moms on Sunday, November 3rd, at 2:00 PM.

This week in class...

In writing students have been experimenting and writing lab reports. They will continue this form of writing. They will:

  • Wonder or question
  • Guess what will happen or write a hypothesis
  • Figure out all the material required to conduct the experiment
  • Actually do the experiment - write the procedure
  • Observe the result - record the result
  • Conclusion - infer what has happened and whether their hypothesis was correct
In reading workshop, we are starting our new unit; Becoming Experts. This is a nonfiction unit for reading. Students will learn to ask the 'Wh' questions and will find the answers. They will learn more about their topics by reading words and studying the pictures.

In math, students will be working on solving number stories in which the starting quantity increases. They will also be exploring temperature, money, and shapes. Students will learn about Part-Part-Whole. Watch the video below to see what that is:

In STEM students will be assessed on the properties of liquid. 

Social Studies
We are continuing in our unit of Time, Change and Continuity by matching/placing pictures in either the past and present. 


  • Writing Celebration: Sunday, Nov, 3rd.
  • Early release day: Students dismiss at 12:00 PM - Nov 21st.
  • Read on razkids and do the quiz at the end
  • Bring a jacket as it is cold in the morning

Happy learning!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

October 27th - October 31st

Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th 
– Julie Andrews.

In writers workshop we are starting a brand new unit called Lab Reports. In this unit, students will learn “experiment write-up”. They will question, experiment, make a hypothesis (guess) and will actually do the experiment using materials and find results. Then they will compare their hypothesis and result to arrive at a conclusion about what they learned. This week, we're going to take a look at books of scientific writers and study the books that have been written and taking note of what the author has done in the book that we can do as well.

In reading workshop, we are doing reading assessments this week to wrap up our first unit. Questions that we may be asking students are:
  • Who is the main character in the story?
  • What is the problem in the story?
  • How did the main character solve the problem?
  • What is happening in this picture? How did the picture and the text help you understand the
  • How did the picture and the text help you understand the setting?
In math, we are reviewing and finishing up unit 3 and will be having our unit 3 math assessment on Wednesday, October 30th. 

In our Social Studies unit of ‘Time, Continuity and Change’ students will continue to explore the differences between past, present and future artifacts.

In STEM, students will be exploring different liquids and understand the different properties in liquids. 

  • Please send a large bottle of water for your child
  • A light jacket to be kept in class from Sunday to Thursday
  • Photos of your child with family to keep in our class Grade 2B Family photo album
  • Reading on razkids and completing the quiz at the end

Saturday, October 19, 2019

October 20th - 24th, 2019

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” Martin Luther King Jr.

Dear Mothers,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for attending the Parent Teacher Conference. It was wonderful getting to know little bit more about you and your child's life and school journey. I also want to thank you for your feedback, I greatly appreciate it from you.

This week in class...

In Writing Workshop, students are working on editing and drafting their celebratory pieces. They will be assessed on writing a small moment story on Wednesday 23rd, 2019.

In Reading workshop students will learn how to pay attention to the details in their text by noting not only what is written but also shown in the illustrations. The readers will learn to use the illustrations from the book to gain details about their characters.

In Math students will be work on:

  • frames and arrows having two rules
  • making change by counting up

In STEM students will be introduced to the following vocabulary words:
  • transparent
  • translucent
  • viscous
  • bubbly
  • foamy

In our Social Studies unit of ‘Time, Continuity and Change’ students will explore their family events of past, present and future.

Up Coming Events:

  • Students Day off: Sunday October 20th, 2019
  • Narrative Writing Assessment: Wednesday 23rd, 2019
  • Please send a large bottle of water for your child.
  • A light jacket to be kept in class from Sunday to Thursday.
  • Photos of your child with family to keep in our class family treasure box.
  • Reading on Razkids and completing the quiz at the end.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

October 13th - 17th, 2019

“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” Colin Powel

In Writing Workshop, we are drawing towards the end of our first unit of study called 'personal narrative'. Students are working on editing and drafting their celebratory pieces. They are learning to use the checklist to complete their writing.

In Reading workshop students will learn about point of view – ‘who is telling the story’. In every story there is a storyteller, called the narrator. The narrator tells the actions, the characters and the setting of the story.
  • In first person, the narrator is usually a main character and uses ‘I’ and ‘me’.
  • In 3rd person narrations, the narrator is not the main character and uses ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘they’ or ‘it’.

In Math students will work on:
  •  Reviewing place value with higher numbers
  • Using coins to buy things
  • Gathering and entering data in a table and drawing a bar graph

In STEM students will learn the properties of liquid.

In our Social Studies unit of ‘Time, Continuity and Change’ students will write about a family event. They will do activities related to the unit.

Up Coming Events
  • Parent Teacher conference: Thursday October 17th, 2019
  • Students Day off: Thursday October 17th, 2019 and Sunday October 20th, 2019

  • Please send a large bottle of water for your child.
  • A light jacket to be kept in class from Sunday to Thursday.
  • Photos of your child with family to keep in our class family treasure box.
  • Reading on razkids and completing the quiz at the end.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

October 6th - October 10th

 “Respect is a two-way street, if you want to get it, you’ve got to give it.” – R.G. Risch

In Writing Workshop, we will continue with our first unit of study called 'personal narrative'. Students will learn to ‘show not tell’ the readers about how they are feeling. One way they do this is by describing in detail:
·     Every action 
·     Every emotion 
·     Every feeling 

In Reading workshop students will learn the following:
· How characters respond to an event or problem/ challenge?
· Compare 2 characters and how they react to the same event
· What would I do if I was in the character's place?

In Math students will be work on:
·     Pan balance
·     Subtraction word problems
·     Counting up strategies for subtraction

In STEM students build a tower using a variety of solid objects. They will draw and label the tower in their STEM journals. Students will be assessed on their understanding of solid and properties of solid.

In our Social Studies unit of ‘Time, Continuity and Change’ students will compare the present-day school to the ones in the old days.

Upcoming Events:
  • Special school Assembly on Sunday 6th October 2019. 
  • Please send a large bottle of water for your child
  • A light jacket to be kept in class from Sunday to Thursday
  • Photos of your child with family to keep in our class Grade 2B Family photo album
  • Reading on razkids and completing the quiz at the end