“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.” Colin Powel
In Writing Workshop, we are drawing towards the end of our first unit of study called 'personal narrative'. Students are working on editing and drafting their celebratory pieces. They are learning to use the checklist to complete their writing.
In Reading workshop students will learn about point of view – ‘who is telling the story’. In every story there is a storyteller, called the narrator. The narrator tells the actions, the characters and the setting of the story.
- In first person, the narrator is usually a main character and uses ‘I’ and ‘me’.
- In 3rd person narrations, the narrator is not the main character and uses ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘they’ or ‘it’.
In Math students will work on:
- Reviewing place value with higher numbers
- Using coins to buy things
- Gathering and entering data in a table and drawing a bar graph
In STEM students will learn the properties of liquid.
In our Social Studies unit of ‘Time, Continuity and Change’ students will write about a family event. They will do activities related to the unit.
Up Coming Events
- Parent Teacher conference: Thursday October 17th, 2019
- Students Day off: Thursday October 17th, 2019 and Sunday October 20th, 2019
- Please send a large bottle of water for your child.
- A light jacket to be kept in class from Sunday to Thursday.
- Photos of your child with family to keep in our class family treasure box.
- Reading on razkids and completing the quiz at the end.
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